This Policy links to the Early Year’s Foundation Stage requirements, Child development & keeping safe. Every Child Matters, Outcome: ‘staying safe’ & ‘making a positive contribution’.
As a registered Child-minder I will create an environment that encourages behaviour that is acceptable, using positive behaviour management to set limits for the child so that they know what to aim for. Under no circumstances will the children be smacked, shouted at, intimidated, shaken, humiliated or shamed in any way.
I will discuss clearly what the house rules are and the importance of abiding by them. I will be consistent and firm in applying boundaries, setting realistic limits according to the age and stage of development.
I will not use any form of physical restraint on the child unless necessary to prevent personal injury or harm to themselves or other children in our home
I will constantly give praise for good behaviour and praise them to parents when they are collected. We will also show appreciation and give attention. We will use positive guidelines according to the age and stage of development. If a child does wrong then I will explain clearly what was wrong and encourage the child to do something they can do or use a timeout method
Bullying is not acceptable and I will respond to any form of bullying and discuss with the children to ensure they are aware of this
I will refrain from using any of the following methods of discipline
- Any form of corporal punishment
- Subject to the provision of any court order relating to contact between the child and any person, any restriction on a child’s contact or communication with his or her parents
- Any punishment relating to the consumption or deprivation of food or drink
- Any requirement that a child wear distinctive or inappropriate clothes
- The use or withholding of medication or medical or dental treatment as a disciplinary measure
- Deprivation of sleep
- Any intimate physical examination of the child
- Withholding of any aids or equipment needed by a disabled child
Children in my care will be encouraged to develop social skills that will help them to grow up and feel welcomed into society. We will provide an environment that is happy and well-managed so that children in our care feel safe and secure.
Good behaviour and discipline are essential to ensure the smooth and safe running of our home based childcare. The foundation is provided for the development of morals and values whilst advocating acceptable behaviour in children. Deliberate bad behaviour is never acceptable. I will endeavour to act as a good role model by showing consideration, respect and good manners to, and for others, particularly the children. I intend to:
- Provide a social environment where activities are stimulating and appropriate for the developmental stage of the children
- Provide situations where each individual can enjoy freedom without threatening the enjoyment of others
- Understand age/stage appropriate behaviour
- Encourage children to develop self discipline
- Be positive, constructive and fair, by rewarding and praising acceptable behaviour
- Be able to differentiate between deliberate and accidental occurrences
- Be aware there may be underlying problems when unacceptable behaviour occurs
- Use appropriate language and establish eye contact when talking to the children
- Work with parents and carers to promote and encourage acceptable behaviour
- Always respect confidentiality
To manage negative behaviour I will distract the child by showing he/she something else they can do or we will remove the child from the situation.
I will not tolerate any type of bullying behaviour and this will be dealt with immediately. Parents will be informed of any type of behaviour that causes distress or upset to another child or myself. Bullying is defined as a deliberate action that is violent, humiliating, intimidating, shaming, ridiculing, threatening or leaves a child feeling undervalued.
My steps to act on bullying are:
- Discussing with parents and working together for consistency
- Talking to the child with the parents permission
- Praise and make the child feel welcomed and valued