Whilst I love working as a registered child-minder, it is my chosen career. I work to earn a living and require a regular income to provide for my family, pay bills and meet expenses. I would be most grateful if you could be prompt at paying your weekly / monthly fees.
If payment has not been received within seven days of the due date, I will politely remind you what is due. If after fourteen days payment has still not been received, I reserve the right to charge a ‘Late Payment Fee’ as outlined in our contract. If outstanding fees have still not been received following these reminders, I reserve the right to cease minding your child with immediate effect and seek legal advice from the National / Scottish Childminding Associations Legal Team / Small Claims Court. At this point your child’s place will not be secure and I am within my rights to open it up to another child.
I understand that from time to time unforeseen circumstances may arise that adds financial pressure to a family. If for whatever reason you are struggling to make payments, please feel free to talk with me in confidence. We may be able to come to an arrangement in the short term until your financial position improves.
Remember that you may be entitled to help with childcare costs through the tax credit system or childcare vouchers from your employer.
Should you have any queries regarding this policy, please do not hesitate to discuss them with me.